Author: Clifford

  • HTML5 And The Web

    The Language That Powers the Web Are you curious about how websites are built? Well, one of the fundamental technologies behind every web page you visit is HTML5. In this article, we’ll delve into what HTML5 is all about, its history, and even provide you with some cool examples of HTML code. Let’s get started!…

  • What Is Digital Art?

    A Beginner’s Guide to the Art Form Digital art is a form of art that is visually created or manipulated using technology. It has been around since the 1960s, but it wasn’t until the advent of personal computers and digital software that it began to gain popularity. Today, it has become an essential part of…

  • Mobile Apps For Digital Artists

    Digital art mobile apps are software applications that enable users to create artwork on their mobile devices. These apps offer a variety of tools, brushes, and features. That allow users to create digital art using their fingers or a stylus pen. They are designed to be easy to use and provide a similar experience to…

  • or

    So what or we going to start with in building our first website? or As we know WordPress is popular software that allows users to create and manage their own websites. However, there are two different versions of WordPress that often cause confusion for users: and While both platforms share the…